Susan Taylor Gold Coast Meditation



Look inside yourself-through MEDITATION

Bring your divine aspects into ALIGNMENT

Experience the INNER PEACE

Access the wisdom of your HIGHER SELF


RAISING your vibration

Each meditation is a healing journey , Susan has a profound link to the Angelic realms and channels each session with clarity, guidance and filled with the grace of love for each individual that attends the meditation.
The Angels send healing guidance to cleanse and release the chakras of any blockages that surround and are lodged in your body. This helps release energetic blocks so that you can claim your stillness of your mind enabling you to be transported to other dimensions, connecting you to your higher self which will ensure you feel your inner peace.
By raising your vibration you will expand your star light and help raise the energy of Mother Earth which enables all earth beings to feel the unconditional love from  your heart. This will not only align you with the divine energy that you can draw into your star light on a daily basis. It will bring you more compassion and a heart filled with Grace.
You will walk through life with a clearer understanding of yourself.
Each person receives a personal message from their Angels and Guides.
Meditation is available at various locations

Runaway Bay



Tamborine Mountain

Call for class details on 0418 732 741

Meditation Class Details



Runaway Bay, Oxenford, Canungra, Tamborine Mountain

Send a text message to confirm your seat or book below.

Call for class details on 0418 732 741

Free Meditation

This meditation is my gift to you. It is hosted on You Tube.

You can click the image to have it play here. 'For computer users' listen and watch the beautiful orange energy flow. or you can close your eyes and drift off in this guided meditation.

Feeling stressed, sit and breath for a moment and watch the swirls... breath in, hold, breath out through pursed lips, breath in, hold, breath out thr pursed lips. repeat until you feel more settled.

I hope you enjoy this rainbow meditation

NOTE: (Adjust volume on Youtube (the speaker next to play button) and also your device.)

Om Shivine is my word for complete Oneness.

I retreat into meditation for connection and  balance, which brings me growth to my soul.

As I travel through many dimensional realms.

My journey connects me to the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings on and around Mother Earth.

My  travel brings me rejuvenation to every cell of my body and  peace to my Soul.

Contact Details

0418 732 741

OmShivine | Susan Taylor